Choosing Finer Clothing

Are You Buying Birthday Gifts for Your Son Who Loves to Go Mudding?

When your son was a little boy, did he absolutely love splashing through mud puddles during a rainstorm? Maybe you thought his love for mud would stop as he got older. And, yet, here he is, a grown man, and he still loves to play in the mud, so to speak. What is it about people who love to go mudding? Is it the desire to be a little kid again? Perhaps the person who goes mudding just loves the thrill of finding great places to take his or her vehicle through the mud.

Whatever the scenario for your son, if you are planning a gift for an upcoming birthday, you might be looking for mudder apparel. If so, here are some ideas that might help you as you shop.

Do Some Snooping - If your son still lives at home, do you feel comfortable going through his closet to see what kind of mudder apparel he already owns? That would give you an idea of what he still needs. You might find that he doesn't have any mudder apparel at all, and he is just going on mudding adventures wearing his oldest blue jeans and a pair of boots. Maybe he has old T-shirts that he reserves for his mudding expeditions.

If you find that your son has no mudding apparel at all, you'll have the fun of picking out some great items for him to wear. Think of buying a long coat that is created especially for mudding. It will more than likely be created with fabric that can literally be hosed off and hung up, ready for the next time your son will need it. By selecting a mudder overcoat, your son can still wear his own clothes, and they won't get dirty. Or at least they won't get as dirty as they would without the mudder overcoat.

A Gift Basket - Consider creating a gift basket full of mudder apparel. For example, select shoes or shoe covers that are designed for mudding. Like the mudder overcoat, they will be weather or mud resistant. He certainly won't want to put the mudder clothes in the washing machine, or at least you won't want him to. Mudder-friendly socks would be another idea for the gift basket. Select anti-friction socks that dry super fast. By doing so, your son's feet will probably feel fresh during the entire time he is mudding. 

Add some other fun gifts to the basket, too. For example, a high-quality water bottle would more than likely be greatly appreciated. And healthy granola bars would be another consideration.
