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3 Simple Ways To Make Breastfeeding Easier

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful experience that helps you bond with your new baby while providing them with nourishment. Breast milk is full of nutrients, protein, and healthy fats to help your baby grow. Unfortunately, for many new moms, breastfeeding can also be more complex, inconvenient, and even painful than what they were anticipating. Instead of struggling or suffering through it, try these simple tips to make your breastfeeding experience easier and more pleasant:

Buy the Right Nursing Bra

The right nursing bra makes all the difference. Ideally, you want a nursing bra that is supportive while also being wire-free or seamless since your breasts are likely pretty sensitive at this time. Comfort bras or sleep bras are slip-on nursing bras that are designed to be very comfortable post-partum while still allowing your baby easy access. This way, you can easily breastfeed in the middle of the night without dealing with complicated clasps and straps.

During the day, some new moms find they want a nursing bra with more support. These days, nursing bras come in a wide range of pretty colors and styles to help you feel more like yourself. Contact a company like Behr Bras to see which options are available to you.

Work With a Lactation Expert

Breastfeeding doesn't always happen on its own, or it may happen but be painful. A lactation expert can help guide you and your baby to make sure they are latching properly every time and in a way that is comfortable for both of you. They are experts in breastfeeding so they will also be able to help determine if your baby is getting enough breastmilk or if perhaps you should supplement with formula. Many insurance plans cover the cost of a lactation expert, so be sure to look into this as well before you hire someone.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Right

If you are dehydrated, your milk production will suffer and breastfeeding will become much more difficult. Get into the habit of carrying around a water bottle filled with chilled water to ensure you are drinking enough. In addition, it's important to eat a nutrient-rich diet and to eat plenty of the foods known to help boost lactation. These include dark leafy greens, veggies like carrots, and whole oats. Not only will you help your body produce more breastmilk, but you'll be passing those nutrients along to your baby as well.

Following these tips will help make breastfeeding the beautiful and relatively easy experience you were always hoping for.
