Choosing Finer Clothing

Are You Spiffing Up Your Wardrobe?

Hasn't it felt good to put away heavy winter clothes? While those sweaters and coats might have looked appealing last September, by now you are probably very happy to put them in the closet where you keep your off-season clothes. When you brought out your spring and summer clothes, perhaps you realized that your wardrobe needed spiffing up. If that's the case, from going through each item of clothing and jewelry to shopping for urban clothing, here are some ideas that might help you add some pizzaz to the things you'll wear this spring and summer.

Approach Your Wardrobe With Detail In Mind - Consider putting aside some time to actually try on the things you already own. As you try them on, ask yourself questions like Did I wear this skirt last year? Do I even like these capris? Does this pair of slacks look outdated or worn? Decide which clothes flatter you. For example, you might have a great navy blue mini skirt, but you don't have a top that looks really good with it. Write that down. As you try things on, put aside the items that can go to a charity donation. Make a stack of items that need to be laundered to freshen them up, or to be taken to the cleaners.

Think of looking through the latest fashion magazines and through fashion catalogues. See what is new and exciting that will add interest to your wardrobe. One idea is to find models that have your same coloring and your body type. What are they wearing? Consider copycatting some of the outfits you see. 

Shop For Urban Clothing - As you looked at fashion magazines and clothes catalogues, you might have been charmed by styles you've never worn before, styles that are often called urban clothes. The great thing about this type of fashion is that it is very versatile. The frosting-on-the-cake is that you can find things that are very affordable. For example, maybe you saw a great urban style embroidered tunic that cost an arm and a leg. Consider looking for look-alike that your budget can afford.

When you shop for urban styles, think of how you can mix things up. For instance, maybe you bought a long black skirt that you consider to be urban-chic. How can you give that black skirt different looks? Try it with a camisole and a tie-dyed button down that will serve as a summer jacket. That would be a great daytime look, wouldn't it? Now take that same black skirt and pair it with a silky pullover and now you have a great outfit to wear for more elegant events.

Contact a company like Premier VII today to learn more. 
