Choosing Finer Clothing

3 Goodies To Give Away At Your Company Party

Company parties are a great way to show your appreciation to all of your employees and get them excited about all of the work that you still have ahead. Once you have picked the location and gotten found a caterer, it's time to handle a few of the details. One of the details that you don't want to miss out on is giving goodies out to your guests. But what exactly is worth spending money on and what will your employees actually use? This article will take a closer look. Ready to learn some more? If so, then read on. 

1. Company T-shirts

One fun and affordable thing that you can get from a t-shirt supplier are some company t-shirts. When you are creating your company t-shirt, make sure to put your logo on it, and then you can always add in a funny company saying or something else. If you are having a hard time coming up with something yourself, then reach out to your graphic design department (if you have one) and have them do it for you. 

2. Coffee Shop Gift Cards

Do you have a coffee shop that's right outside of your business? Is there a place that all fo your employees go every morning for a little pick-me-up? If so, then the perfect gift would be to gift everyone a small gift card to that coffee shop. And, the great thing is that each gift card doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, you could give everyone a $5 gift card, which will help them get a free coffee or two on you. 

3. Pens

Who doesn't need a pen? Just because everything is digital these days, it doesn't mean that people don't still use good old-fashioned pen and paper. Try having nice customized pens made with your company's name and logo on it this will be something that your employees can either use personally or at their desk. Then, make sure that you guy some extra to hand out to your clients in the future. Having a little reminder of your company's name on it is a great way for people to consider using your business again in the future. 

Put together a goody bag for everyone with all of these things in it, and your employees are sure to feel appreciated. To learn more, reach out to a merchandise retailer near you today.  
